About the Institute for Restorative Initiatives
The Institute for Restorative Initiatives (IRIS) was founded in 2013, in collaboration with the Center for Restorative Justice, to promote collaborative partnerships with schools, juvenile justice agencies and youth-serving organizations. IRIS assists schools and agencies to implement restorative approaches to discipline, classroom management and school climate.
The Center for Restorative Justice at Suffolk University was founded to foster collaborative partnerships to support a growing social movement to institutionalize restorative approaches to harm, problem-solving and violations of legal and human rights. Since 1997 Suffolk University Center for Restorative Justice has served as a regional/national/international thought-leader in restorative justice policy and practice development.
The mission of the CRJ is to serve as a bridge between the academy, professionals, and communities through public education, training, technical assistance, research, evaluation and scholarship. As a community-engaged academic center, CRJ fosters restorative approaches to resolving conflict and harm in justice systems, schools and communities.
The Center for Restorative Justice at Suffolk University was founded to foster collaborative partnerships to support a growing social movement to institutionalize restorative approaches to harm, problem-solving and violations of legal and human rights. Since 1997 Suffolk University Center for Restorative Justice has served as a regional/national/international thought-leader in restorative justice policy and practice development.
The mission of the CRJ is to serve as a bridge between the academy, professionals, and communities through public education, training, technical assistance, research, evaluation and scholarship. As a community-engaged academic center, CRJ fosters restorative approaches to resolving conflict and harm in justice systems, schools and communities.